[rclis] Archive Ouverte en Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication

rclis@lists.openlib.org rclis@lists.openlib.org
Fri, 28 Jun 2002 11:52:01 +0200

>> We must also think about our target: who can post and what.
>> I.e. LIS and CS surely
>> Which countries (Europe only?)
>  Why? I would allow users from anywhere,

I agree, but only one server may be not enough.
For this reason we could need two server: one for Europe and other Countr=
one for UK and USA... 
or we can work out some other solution
By means of the European server I would like to give the chance to develo=
countries to deposit their works 

 but make sure that
>  they have an affilation with a recognized university.
>  I am not sure, how to enforce this with eprints, I have not
>  used the software.

EPrints mechanism is quite different from NCSTRL.
On Eprints it is the author himself who can post the works.
Eprints runs wery well for institutional open archives.
The affiliation, for the moment, is difficult to manage.
Affiliations, author names would need better definition inside Eprints,
and a relational structure.
