[rclis] Archive Ouverte en Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication

Thomas Krichel rclis@lists.openlib.org
Thu, 27 Jun 2002 22:54:37 -0500

  derobbio@tin.it writes

> I agree. First of all we need a web site,

  I am working  (timidly) on it.

> We must also think about our target: who can post and what.
> I.e. LIS and CS surely
> Which countries (Europe only?)
  Why? I would allow users from anywhere, but make sure that
  they have an affilation with a recognized university.
  I am not sure, how to enforce this with eprints, I have not
  used the software.


  Thomas Krichel                                   mailto:krichel@openlib.org
  CORRECT private phone: 1-718-507-1117   RePEc:per:1965-06-05:thomas_krichel