[CoDeP] the Betham case

Thomas Krichel krichel at openlib.org
Tue Dec 20 16:02:57 UTC 2016

  Christopher Baum writes

> I have received two emails from Committee members, both of whom
> object to the inclusion of Bentham. What should the decision be?

  I sent a message to the committee some time ago, stating that
  we have is no evidence to say that their operation is deceptive.
  If we have more volunteers digging up further evidence that
  would be fine, but we just don't have the volunteers to
  do the reasearch and we don't have evidence.
  I proposed to close the case in the event that we would not
  get more reactions to the the topic in 24 hours.


  There was no reaction in the 24 hours that followed. 

  The decision to accept or reject Bentham is yours, and yours alone,
  by historic rights you gained over many years of devoted and
  underappreciated service.

  You taking account of the committee is much appreciated. 

  I now regret having brought up the issue before the committee. We
  clearly should have a constitution first, and that is difficult
  to do to the extent I have not done it yet. 



  Thomas Krichel                  http://openlib.org/home/krichel

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