[cgiapp] using CPAN::Forum as the CGI::Application forum/wiki

Gabor Szabo szabgab at gmail.com
Sun Jan 31 10:28:29 EST 2010


I just came back from vacation and have not been able to read through all
of my messages but I saw a couple of mails about the future of the
CGI::Application wiki.

You might know that the CPAN::Forum http://cpanforum.com/ is using
It has been largely neglected in the past 5 years but in the last
month I started to work on
it again and made a lot of internal changes to allow new development.

Right now I am working on a new design which is mostly based on the
Stack overflow design
and I am going to incorporate several of their ideas and a few of my
own additional ideas.

It would be great if some of you could help with the project and we
could turn the forum into
one of the best sources of information about CPAN modules in general
and CGI::Application in

Now I'll go back to reading my e-mails including the ones on this list
but in the meantime
I'd be happy to see your opinion.


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