[cgiapp] using CPAN::Forum as the CGI::Application forum/wiki

P Kishor punk.kish at gmail.com
Sun Jan 31 11:03:19 EST 2010

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 9:28 AM, Gabor Szabo <szabgab at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi,
> I just came back from vacation and have not been able to read through all
> of my messages but I saw a couple of mails about the future of the
> CGI::Application wiki.
> You might know that the CPAN::Forum http://cpanforum.com/ is using
> CGI::Application.
> It has been largely neglected in the past 5 years but in the last
> month I started to work on
> it again and made a lot of internal changes to allow new development.
> Right now I am working on a new design which is mostly based on the
> Stack overflow design
> and I am going to incorporate several of their ideas and a few of my
> own additional ideas.

Nice idea, but why not use annocpan.org? It is quick, it is reasonably
nice looking (not as attractive and well-thought out as stackoverflow,
but with its own strengths), and the nicest thing is, it brings the
annotations close to what is being discussed... right beside the
module in question.

Adding a discussion capability to annocpan would make it even richer.
I believe either MySQL or PHP (I forget which) use that model. That
allows users to ask questions about a software right where the
software documentation is available.

In any case, neither cpanforum nor annocpan will fully replace the
need for something like cgi-app.org, as the latter offers an avenue
for detailing "best practices," kinda like a cookbook for common or
not-so-common recipes.

Puneet Kishor

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