[cgiapp] size of scripts and dependencies

P Kishor punk.kish at gmail.com
Sun Sep 20 08:35:09 EDT 2009

Hi Richard,

On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 4:22 AM, Richard Jones <ra.jones at dpw.clara.co.uk> wrote:
> P Kishor wrote:
>> Because, Michael, it is difficult. It is not simply out of the box and
>> click and run. To run a persistent environment, I have to install and
>> configure Apache and mod_perl or FastCGI. I develop on my laptop,
>> then, when everything is working, I set up the application on a test
>> server, then when everything is checked by the rest of the team and
>> tested, we move it to a production server. That means, I have to set
>> up not one but three identical environments. I have wasted countless
>> hours trying to make mod_perl compile on a server I have. It just is
>> too difficult.
> Assuming you control the server and it's Linux, it's as difficult as apt-get
> install libapache2-mod-perl2 (for Debian-based systems). Other distros would
> have similar package installers. FastCGI is a little more involved, but not
> much.
> Similarly for the laptop, if it's Linux then it's the same process as above,
> or if Windows then andLinux will give you a virtual (Ubuntu) environment to
> develop with (apt-get install again), or there is always VM as an
> alternative. Not sure about Mac OS though.
> It's a little up-front investment in setup time, but means you can use the
> same platform for development and testing and production, and mod_perl setup
> really is pretty trivial. In fact I do exactly that, including development
> on a laptop, where I have my CGI::App running under CA::Server, mod_perl and
> fastcgi, and it's fairly easy to port the app to the more-or-less
> identically configured test & production servers.
> There again, if everything is Windows based, the XAMPP package has mod_perl
> working out-of-the-box, at least it did last time I looked. Of course if you
> don't have control of the server then none of the above may apply :)

I am not sure what you are telling me above. If you are telling me how
to install a persistent environment, I already know that. If you are
trying to convince me that it is not difficult to install a persistent
environment, well, then I don't agree. I think it is difficult and you
think it is not difficult. That is a perception, and removing that
perception is half the battle. Let alone the fact that for some
reason, given seemingly exactly the same environment, mod_perl
installed perfectly easily on my laptop, and just does not do so on my
server (everything is Mac OS X). I say "seemingly" exactly as a
concession to the fact that humans make emotional judgments, not
computers. To me, the environment seems to be the same, yet problem on
one and not on the other.

Well, we are digressing, and this thread has been extended enough. I
am summarizing it here as -- CGI::App is great, much better than any
competing framework, but it could be a lot better in its installation
and dependencies.

Puneet Kishor

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