[Repec-data] A first proposal

Thomas Krichel krichel at openlib.org
Thu Aug 29 14:24:37 UTC 2013

  David K. Levine writes

> With the second file being optional. 

  If we in priniciple approve the idea of a datasets and datafiles
  as distinct describable enties where a dataset is a hierarchical
  grouping of datafile, we have, within the ReDIF world, two options
  of implementatation. We can can have datafiles as a cluster of 
  a datset (as David seems to suggest) or we can have different
  templates for both. It is the latter that I had in mind, even
  though I don't have strong opposition to the former. In the former,
  we can not have subclusters since we are already in a cluster.

> I like that idea.

  Thank you.


  Thomas Krichel                  http://openlib.org/home/krichel

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