[RePEc-announce] CoronaNet Researchers Working Paper Series [archive no. 2264]

Christopher Baum kit.baum at bc.edu
Mon Jul 25 13:42:34 UTC 2022

Template-Type: ReDIF-Archive 1.0
Handle: RePEc:ayl
Name: CoronaNet Researchers Working Paper Series
Maintainer-Email: workingpapers.cn at gmail.com
Description: The CoronaNet Working Paper Series encourages CoronaNet
researchers, who are mostly students volunteering their time,
to go beyond the crucial work of gathering and coding information about
COVID-19-related policies and hone their research and writing
skills by conducting their own analyses inspired by the CoronaNet data. The
working papers are the capstone of a program which offers
research assistants the opportunity to explore research topics of genuine
interest to them, acquire and practice the requisite skills
to analyze the CoronaNet data, learn more about the dataset to which they
have contributed, practice their academic writing skills, and
collaborate with their peers in research and writing. To this end, the
program entails seminars on research methods and academic writing,
detailed introductions on the publicly released CoronaNet data structure,
and tutorials on conducting quantitative analyses of the data.
In addition, CoronaNet principal investigators provide oversight and
feedback on paper drafts while Working Paper Series coordinators
organize the program series. The papers in this series are thus not
peer-reviewed but provide an opportunity to learn about preliminary
findings that arise out of the CoronaNet database.
URL: https://www.coronanet-project.org/workingpaperseries/RePEc/ayl/

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