[RePEc-announce] RePEc in April 2021
Christian Zimmermann
zimmermann at stlouisfed.org
Sat May 15 21:45:24 UTC 2021
With some delay, here is what we have to report about the month of April:
We welcomed a few new archives: Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, Swiss
Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, International Journal
of Cyber Forensics and Advanced Threat Investigations, Journal of İbn
Haldun Studies. We counted 674,225 file downloads and 3,522,965 abstract
views. And here are the milestones we reached:
3,500,000 indexed works
3,200,000 indexed works available online
120,000 indexed book chapters
50,000 indexed books
1,000 seminars announced on the Economics Virtual Seminar Calendar
Christian Zimmermann FIGUGEGL!
Economic Research
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
P.O. Box 442
St. Louis MO 63166-0442 USA
https://ideas.repec.org/zimm/ @CZimm_economist
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