[RePEc-announce] RePEc in December 2009, and a look back at 2009

Christian Zimmermann christian.zimmermann at uconn.edu
Thu Jan 7 09:28:23 CST 2010

And another year came to a close, with RePEc celebrating 1/8 of a century 
since its founding. But let us first have a look at we was done in the 
last month. We welcomed 8 new archives: Colegio de economistas de A 
Coruna, Universidad de Oviedo, Revista de Economia Aplicada, National 
University of Ireland, Galway, Certified General Accountants Association 
of Canada, George Zane Institute for Economic and Social Research, China 
Agricultural University, Basque Centre for Climate Change. Despite this 
relatively small number of newcomers, over 11,000 new works were added, 
bringing up the number of listed full texts to over 700,000. Traffic was 
also high for December, with 714,638 file downloads and 2,519,682 abstract 

As for 2009, what have we achieved? 150 new archives, 142,000 newly listed 
works (+21%), of which 133,000 are available online (+23%), 4,000 new 
registered authors (+22%). I would argue this is tremendous growth for a 
project that is already 12.5 years old. We started a research blogging 
initiative, introduced a Facebook application. We counted 9,540,461 
downloads and 34,024,922 abstract views.

And let me conclude with the thresholds attained during the last month:
1,000,000 chapter abstract views
700,000 listed full texts
275,000 cited items
200,000 cumulative book downloads
5,000 listed books

Christian Zimmermann                                     FIGUGEGL!
Department of Economics
University of Connecticut
341 Mansfield Road, Unit 1063
Storrs, CT 06269-1063
http://ideas.repec.org/zimm/   christian.zimmermann at uconn.edu

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