[RePEc-announce] New archives, March 2010

Kit Baum baum at bc.edu
Thu Apr 1 07:55:52 CDT 2010

14  new archives were added to RePEc in March:

CPI	Competition Policy International	
MRB	Faculty of Economics, University of Maribor, Slovenia	
EBD	European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
BRA	Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Universitatea "Vasile Alecsandri" din Bacau	
KEI	Keio/Kyoto Global COE Program, Keio University, Japan	
CZX	Czech Econometric Society	
FPO	Ministry of Finance, Poland	
ERS	European Research Studies Journal	
JEC	Journal of Economics and Management	
OST	Ost-Europa Institut, Germany	
TEM	Department of Economics, Temple University
POI	Centre de Recherche sur l'Intégration Economique et Financière (CRIEF), Université de Poitiers	
SST	Department of Social, Economic, Actuarial and Demographic Studies, "Sapienza" University of Rome	
PSL	Associazione Paolo Sylos Labini, Rome	

bringing the total of active archives to 1,158. In addition, 128 archive codes have been assigned during the past 12 months but not yet implemented, and 273 archive codes have been placed in inactive status after 12 months without action by their requestor.

Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)

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