[RePEc-announce] New archives, Dec 2006

Kit Baum baum at bc.edu
Tue Jan 2 09:33:50 EST 2007

15 archives were added to RePEc during December 2006:

TRA	Transaction Publishers	

ZAG	Department of Macroeconomics and Economic Development, School of  
Economics and Business, University of Zagreb	

MES	M.E. Sharpe Publishers	

MAJ	Mid-American Journal of Business	

PSI	Policy Studies Institute	

WOR	Werkstatt für Organisations- und Personalforschung e.V	

PDN	Department of Economics, University of Paderborn

UAM	Departamento de Análisis Económico: Teoría e Historia Económica,  
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid	

DOR	Business and Social Statistics Department, Universität Dortmund	

IME	Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan

RJR	Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romania	

BRG	Departimento di Scienze Economiche "Hyman P. Minsky", Universita'  
degli Studi di Bergamo	

AWI	Alfred-Weber-Institut für Sozial- und Staatswissenschaften,  

SEE	School of Slavonic and East European Studies, UCL; Chris Gerry,  
cgerry at ssees.ucl.ac.uk	

AEQ	Applied Economics Quarterly	

bringing the total to 686.  160 archives were added to RePEc during  
calendar 2006. In addition, there are 190 requests for archive codes  
that have been granted awaiting action by their maintainers.

Happy new year!

Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)

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