[rclis] geneva protocol

Thomas Krichel rclis@lists.openlib.org
Fri, 25 Oct 2002 10:03:31 -0500

  Jose Manuel Barrueco Cruz writes

> Thomas, may be, it would be usefull to say that the document
> you are talking about lives at:
> 	http://rclis.org/internal/geneva.html

  Oops. Thanks for pointing this out.

> And, why not using the eprints author registration data to build
> the persons archive?

  Then only the registered author on that system would have a personal
  record. I am not sure if this would not be overloading the system
  with stuff that it is not supposed to do.

> Antonella is managing the eprints server and could be
> quite easy for her to convert the authors data into AMF... So I'm
> proposing that AdR will maintain the rclis:per archive.

  The interaction between personal and document archives will be 
  further studied in the ACIS project, so I think we have some 
  time yet to decide on action in this matter. 


  Thomas Krichel                                   mailto:krichel@openlib.org