[cgiapp] Running a plain CGI::Application as FastCGI / PSGI

Jani Hurskainen perl at jani-hur.net
Fri Jul 30 11:50:42 EDT 2010

A long time ago Mark Rajcok wrote:

 > I want to convert an app I have from FastCGI and Apache to PSGI
 > and Starman.

Sorry to come back this old issue, but I'm planning to move from 
(Apache) mod_cgi to mod_fastgci. However I have recently read a lot 
about Plank/PSGI. I think I got the idea of Plank/PSGI (a specification 
and middleware for web framework developers) but I don't quite 
understand what benefits my CGI::App based webapp gets using mod_psgi 
instead of mod_fastcgi ? Which one is faster ? Will I have more hosting 
options when PSGI has been established as de-facto standard ? Anyway 
PSGI is a future-proof, right ?

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