[cgiapp] UTF-8 output

Emmanuel Seyman emmanuel.seyman at club-internet.fr
Tue Nov 3 08:50:43 EST 2009

* Michael Lackhoff [02/11/2009 20:38] :
> Thanks for the hint! But isn't it better then to tackle the problem
> right at the root:
> $webapp->query->charset('UTF-8'); # works!

Probably. I've always felt that the most appropriate solution would be
for CGI to default to UTF-8.

> because this would set the header twice, first from CGI.pm to ISO-8859-1
> then from the webapp to UTF-8 (no big deal but still) or are there other
> reasons why header_add is better?

None. When I first came across the problem, the header_add() solution was
the first one Google suggested. Since then, I've never looked back.


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