[cgiapp] Seeking opinions on how to configure logging

Ron Savage ron at savage.net.au
Wed Jun 17 21:01:12 EDT 2009

Hi Folks

I'm developing a new CGI::App-based module, to be released shortly, and
I'm keen to have an option in its config file which allows logging.

But how best to do that?

Amongst the many logging modules, I use Log::Dispatch.

Or, should I allow the user to configure any logging package? I think
that's too open-ended to add to a single module.

What I'd like to know is what you think about configuring logging.

For instance, one way is to look for a line in the config file such as:
with the absence of such a line meaning do no logging, while the
presence of such a line means it needs to be parsed and processed.

I'm aware of Log::Dispatch::Config (with long-standing bug reports), but
I'm wondering what else people are using or doing.

Ron Savage
ron at savage.net.au

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