[cgiapp] Re: CGI::Application::Dispatch help

fREW Schmidt frioux at gmail.com
Fri Jan 16 11:00:33 EST 2009

Ok, I have changed some things around in the hopes that it will fix my
issues, but I am still not having much luck...

Inside of ACD I have Dispatch.pm.  Here is the contents of that file:

package ACD::Dispatch;
use base 'CGI::Application::Dispatch';
use warnings;

sub dispatch_args {
    return {
        prefix  => 'ACD',
        debug => 1,
        table   => [
            '/'                => { app => 'Home', rm => 'welcome' },
            ':app/:rm?'        => { },


I am using Apache 2.2 on windows with mod_perl.

I think this is all you might need to see from there:

<VirtualHost *:8080>
   ErrorLog "C:/path/to/acd/logs/error.log"
      use lib 'C:/path/to/acd';
      $ENV{MODE} = 'development';
    ScriptAlias / "C:/path/to/acd"
   <Location  />
      SetHandler perl-script
      PerlHandler ACD::Dispatch
      Order allow,deny
      Allow from all

Ok, so here is what has been happening:

Go to:
Home, welcome

Go to:
Home, welcome

Go to:
Home/OtherController, some_rm

Michael Peters was trying to help me and said that it has to do with
Apache being weird with Directory directives, but now it's a Location
and the issue is still happening.

So I guess my question is why is it ignoring that first directory and
how do I get it to stop?

Thanks for any help at all!



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