[cgiapp] CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication --- Can't locate object method "_cgiapp" via package "Aff"

Terrence Brannon tbrannon at insuranceagents.com
Thu Jan 15 10:03:12 EST 2009

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 7:20 PM, Stewart Heckenberg <
stewart.heckenberg at gmail.com> wrote:

> >  goto &CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::login_box
> Have you tried it without the above line? Perhaps just replace the above
> with:
> return "login box goes here";
> Or something similar, just to test. My guess is the goto is causing the
> problem.

yes that fixed that problem... my goal (now) is to call the login_box that
comes with CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication and get back the HTML
and then slightly modify that HTML and return it.

Here is what worked:

the key parts are:
__PACKAGE__->authen->config (
			     DRIVER => [ Generic => { ttt => 'bbb' } ],
			     STORE  => 'Session',
			     POST_LOGIN_RUNMODE => 'report_leads_accepted',
						    IDLE_FOR => '1m',
						    EVERY => '1d'
			     RENDER_LOGIN => \&my_login_box


sub my_login_box {

  my $self=shift;

  warn 'hey there';

  my $html = $self->authen->login_box;



later, I will use HTML::TreeBuilder to get and manipulate the HTML.

> Stew
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