[cgiapp] Application params problem

Amelia Ireland amelia.ireland at gmail.com
Thu Jul 10 17:57:39 EDT 2008


I'm having some problems getting and setting parameters in CGI::App.  
Initially, I wanted to check my CGI data was OK (using  
Data::FormValidator) as part of cgiapp_prerun, and then go on to doing  
the main subroutine. However, the parameter setting and retrieval  
doesn't seem to be working as I'd hoped, either in cgiapp_prerun or in  
one of the application modes.

For example, take this code:

sub check_query_h {
	my $self = shift;
	my $valid_h;    # hashref to store valid data in
	[... validation code ...]
	$self->param('validated_query', $valid_h);

	print STDERR "valid_h: ".Dumper( $valid_h )."\n";

	# see what is in the param 'validated_query'
	print STDERR "validated_query: ". Dumper( $self- 
 >param('validated_query') )."\n";

	# check all params
	print STDERR "all_values: ".Dumper( [ $self->param() ] )."\n";

	# try setting params as a hash instead
	$self->param('validated_query_2' => $valid_h);

	print STDERR "validated_query_2: ".Dumper( $self- 
 >param('validated_query_2') )."\n";
	print STDERR "all_values: ".Dumper( [ $self->param() ] )."\n";


in the STDERR, I get:

valid_h: $VAR1 = {
  'group_by' => 'none',
  'op' => 'or',
  'page' => '1',
  'page_size' => '20',
  'sort' => 'year'

validated_query: $VAR1 = 'validated_query';

all_values: $VAR1 = [

validated_query_2: $VAR1 = 'validated_query_2';

all_values: $VAR1 = [

Am I making a really simple, stupid error? I can't see what's going  
wrong here... any help would be greatly appreciated!


Amelia Ireland
GO Editorial Office
http://www.ebi.ac.uk || http://www.berkeleybop.org
BBOP Plant Project: http://bbopgarden.blogspot.com

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