[AMF-talk] mime type checking

Thomas Krichel amf-talk@lists.openlib.org
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 15:21:44 -0500

  At http://amf.openlib.org/tool/mimetypexsd, there is now a
  perl script that generates a file mime-types.xsd in the current
  directory. It downloads the mime type definitions and processes
  them to the XML Schema file. This allows to check for correct
  usage of mime types. The script is work by Simeon and myself. 

  If there are no objections, I intend to replace 

 <xs:simpleType name="mimeqType">
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
   <xs:pattern value="[a-zA-Z]+/[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\+$_]+"/>


  <xs:include schemaLocation="http://amf.openlib.org/2001/mime-types.xsd"/>

  within the master amf.xsd. Let me know what you think.


  Thomas Krichel                                   mailto:krichel@openlib.org