<div dir="ltr"><pre style="color:rgb(0,0,0);word-wrap:break-word;white-space:pre-wrap">Template-Type: ReDIF-Archive 1.0
Handle: RePEc:cub
Name: Faculty of Management, Comenius University in Bratislava
Maintainer-Email: <a href="mailto:anna.lasakova@fm.uniba.sk">anna.lasakova@fm.uniba.sk</a>
Description: Journal of Human Resource Management (JHRM) is a double-blind peer reviewed international scientific journal with an international Editorial Board. The journal is published since 1998 twice a year by the Faculty of Management, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. The JHRM aims at creating an open forum for scientific discourse focused on human resource management, inviting theoretical as well as empirical research papers. Special attention is paid to studies focused on human resource management practices in Central and Eastern European countries. Articles published in the JHRM should bring new insights into topics related to human resource management, especially in: strategic human resource management, international and global human resource management, human resource management functions (HR planning, recruitment and selection, training and development, employee motivation, evaluation and compensation, career management, employee turnover, industrial relations, etc.), future trends in human resource management and cross-cultural aspects of human resource management.
URL: <a href="http://repec.fm.uniba.sk/cub">http://repec.fm.uniba.sk/cub</a>