[RePEc-announce] A look back at 2022

Christian Zimmermann zimmermann at stlouisfed.org
Thu Jan 5 19:23:44 UTC 2023

A look back at 2022

RePEc proudly celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2022, 25 years of being 
entirely run by volunteers and providing free services to economists and 
people interested in economic research. We also worked over the year, with 
the following to show:

     34 publishers and other publication providers joined RePEc
     2,218 economists registered with the RePEc Author Service, bringing 
the total to 65,752 (with 1,941,046 works in their profiles)
     We counted 21,172,731 abstract views and 5,390,781 file downloads 
through the reporting RePEc services
     We expanded the RePEc services for social media users to Mastodon
     We inaugurated a new RePEc homepage that explains better what RePEc is 
and does.
     We mourned the loss of the Russian RePEc service, Socionet.
     The over 2000 RePEc archive maintainers added: 109 working paper 
series, 108,111 working papers, 128 journals, 320,367 articles, 2,502 
books, 20,374 book chapters, 171 software components. We now have over 4.2 
million works indexed in RePEc
     Citation extraction at CitEc worked overtime, adding references from 
282,003 works.
     The NEP editors released 2,474 reports disseminating new working 
papers in their respective fields of research.

Specifically for December 2022, we had two new RePEc archives: the 
Romanian Academy and the International Scientific Community National 
Science. We recorded 415,652 file downloads and 1,620,115 abstract views 
through , IDEAS, and NEP. And we reached the following milestones:
1,250,000 book downloads
200,000 indexed book chapters

Christian Zimmermann                          FIGUGEGL!
Economic Research
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
P.O. Box 442
St. Louis MO 63166-0442 USA
https://ideas.repec.org/zimm/ @CZimm_economist @CZimm_economist at econtwitter.net

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