[RePEc-announce] RePEc in May 2020

Christian Zimmermann zimmermann at stlouisfed.org
Mon Jun 8 21:33:54 UTC 2020

RePEc is back in full swing, with lots of new material indexed and lots of 
traffic as well. During last month, we counted 627,455 file downloads and 
2,912,146 abstract views, and welcomed the following publishers: Institute 
of Business Administration (Karachi), ILMA University, Journal of Research 
in Economics, Politics & Finance, Association for Cultural and 
Socio-Economic European Collaboration, Indian Journal of Commerce & 
Management Studies, Gran Sasso Science Institute, IJSAB International, 
London Academy of Science and Business. And we reached the following 

240,000,000 cumulative working paper abstract views
60,000,000 cumulative working paper downloads
3,200,000 indexed items
800,000 working papers with abstracts
12,000 blog posts indexed on EconAcademics.org

Christian Zimmermann                          FIGUGEGL!
Economic Research
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
P.O. Box 442
St. Louis MO 63166-0442 USA
https://ideas.repec.org/zimm/   @CZimm_economist

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