[RePEc-announce] Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE) [archive no. 2015]

Christopher Baum kit.baum at bc.edu
Thu Jul 12 13:06:52 UTC 2018

Template-type: ReDIF-Archive 1.0

Handle: RePEc:nse

Name: Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE)

Maintainer-Email: dg75-h001 at insee.fr

Description: Insee (https://www.insee.fr) is the French national
statistical institute. It publishes the academic journal Economie et
Statistique / Economics and Statistics, and working papers of research
carried out at the institute.

URL: https://static.insee.fr/static/RePEc/nse/

Kit Baum
Professor of Economics and Social Work
Chair, Department of Economics
Boston College, Chestnut Hill MA, USA
DIW Research Fellow, Department of Macroeconomics,
German Institute for Economic Research [DIW Berlin], Germany
baum at bc.edu  |  http://ideas.repec.org/e/pba1.html
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