[RePEc-announce] RePEc in July 2018
Christian Zimmermann
zimmermann at stlouisfed.org
Wed Aug 15 19:28:09 UTC 2018
Acknowledging that we are awfully late for posting about what happened for
RePEc last month, we have still be busy behind the scenes. The next
monthly report should show a few innovations. In the meanwhile, we welcome
the following new participating archives: Institut national de la
statistique et des ï¿œtudes ï¿œconomiques (INSEE), Hindawi Publishing, Leibniz
Universitï¿œt Hannover, International Society for projects in Education and
Research, Bentham Open. We counted 331,999 file downloads and 1,398,211
abstract views (with the added fact that over 99% of traffic on IDEAS was
from robots. You can use the <A
HREF="https://ideas.repec.org/api.html">API</A>). Finally, we reached the
following milestones last month.
1,750,000 listed articles
2,000 followers on Twitter for @repec_org
1,000 followers on Twitter for @repecCitEc
Christian Zimmermann FIGUGEGL!
Economic Research
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
P.O. Box 442
St. Louis MO 63166-0442 USA
https://ideas.repec.org/zimm/ @CZimm_economist
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