[RePEc-announce] RePEc in October 2016

'Christian Zimmermann' zimmermann at stlouisfed.org
Fri Nov 4 04:02:45 UTC 2016

We have reached two major milestones in the past month: there are now over 
2 millions works indexed in RePEc with links to their full texts on-line, 
and our citation project CitEc has extracted over 25 million references. 
In addition, with have a new ranking of economists and of institutions 
covering Latin American and the Caribbean. We counted 504,174 file 
downloads and 2,366,249 abstract views. We welcomed the following new 
RePEc archives: Université Paris-Nord, Toroudshomal Research-Industrial 
Company, Journal of Smart Economic Growth, Association Recherche et 
Régulation, Applied Economics Research Centre (Pakistan), Kobe University, 
Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies. And finally we reached the 
following milestones:

25,000,000 extracted citations
2,000,000 online works
1,300,000 online articles
40,000 online book chapters
500 registered authors on Twitter directory

Christian Zimmermann                          FIGUGEGL!
Economic Research
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
P.O. Box 442
St. Louis MO 63166-0442 USA
https://ideas.repec.org/zimm/   @CZimm_economist

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