[RePEc-announce] new archive (#1706): European Real Estate Society

'Christian Zimmermann' zimmermann at stlouisfed.org
Fri Jul 18 02:18:57 UTC 2014

Template-Type: ReDIF-Archive 1.0
Handle: RePEc:arz
Name: ERES
Maintainer-Name: Architexturez Imprints
Maintainer-Email: interface.services at architexturez.net
Maintainer-Phone: +9101124684005
Maintainer-Fax: null
Description: The European Real Estate Society (ERES) was established in 
1994 to
create an international real estate network between  academics and 
  across Europe. ERES is dedicated to promoting and advancing the real 
estate dis
cipline and specifically property based research throughout Europe. The 
incorporates national research societies, academic researchers, 
practitioners an
d doctoral students engaged in real estate. The core activities of ERES 
an annual conference, industry seminars and education seminars.
URL: http://architexturez.net/services/repec/arz/
Homepage: http://eres.architexturez.net

Christian Zimmermann                          FIGUGEGL!
Economic Research
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
P.O. Box 442
St. Louis MO 63166-0442 USA
http://ideas.repec.org/zimm/   @CZimm_economist

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