[RePEc-announce] new archives (#1656, 1657): Ferdi, Bucharest Academy of Economics

'Christian Zimmermann' zimmermann at stlouisfed.org
Wed Feb 26 12:45:12 UTC 2014

Template-type: ReDIF-Archive 1.0
Handle: RePEc:fdi
Name: FERDI Fondation pour les études et recherche sur le développement 
Maintainer-Email: vincent.mazenod at ferdi.fr
Description: This archive collects scientific productions from the FERDI
URL: http://publi.ferdi.fr/RePEc/fdi/

Template-type: ReDIF-Archive 1.0
Handle: RePEc:jis
Name: European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
Maintainer-Email: alina.popescu at rei.ase.ro
Description: The European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (EJIS) is 
the first academic journal dedicated to providing a forum for dialogue for 
advancing European knowledge within and across multiple social science and 
humanities disciplines.
URL: http://www.ejist.ro/RePEc/jis

Christian Zimmermann                          FIGUGEGL!
Economic Research
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
P.O. Box 442
St. Louis MO 63166-0442 USA

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