[RePEc-announce] RePEc in May 2013

'Christian Zimmermann' zimmermann at stlouisfed.org
Mon Jun 3 20:01:10 UTC 2013

Following a recent poll, RePEc will be introducing two new rankings: one 
that measures the breadth of the citations to his work, and the other 
measuring the strength of an advisor’s students, and the same for 
economics departments. The latter indicators will be drawn from the data 
collected by the RePEc Genealogy, and users are invited to contributed to 
this crowd-sourced initiative to make it more comprehensive before the 
first release of the rankings.

Newly participating archives are: Higher School of Economics (II), 
University of Finance and Administration (Prague), Constantin Brancoveanu 
University, University of Tehran, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Institute for 
New Economic Thinking, Ursinus College, Carocci Editore, Freie Universität 
Bozen, Masaryk University. Traffic is lsowly sliding in the usual Summer 
lull, with 603,305 file downloads and 2,479,017 abstract views in May. 
This adds up to over 40 millions paper downloads since we started 
counting, although this does not cover all sites that use RePEc data.

We traditionally conclude by reporting some statistical thresholds we 
surpassed over the last month. Here they are for May 2013:

40000000 cumulative paper downloads
2500000 cumulative book abstract views
1250000 indexed items available online
500 graduate departments listed in RePEc Genealogy

Christian Zimmermann                          FIGUGEGL!
Economic Research
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
P.O. Box 442
St. Louis MO 63166-0442 USA

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