[RePEc-announce] Romanian Distribution Committee [archive no. 1513]

Christopher Baum kit.baum at bc.edu
Wed Jan 30 09:16:18 CST 2013

(The maintainers may have misunderstood the need to provide a description of the archive….)

Template-type: ReDIF-Archive 1.0
Handle: RePEc:rdc
Name: Romanian Distribution Committee
Maintainer-Email: office at crd-aida.ro
Description: The formation, in 1996, of the Romanian Distribution Committee (C.R
.D.) as a Scientific Association – Romanian legal private non-governmental perso
n, apolitical, non-profit, open-associative type; affiliated to the Internationa
l Association for the Distributive Trade” (A.I.D.A. Brussels, scientific and ped
agogical association );  C.R.D. is mentioned in “European Marketing Information 
Sourcebook, 1st edition, Euromonitor International”, page 132; following, refere
nce is made to CRD in the study “Marketing issues in transitional economies”, Sp
ringer, 1st edition, August 31, 1999, Rajeev Batra, William Davidson Institute, 
Business & Economics, page 167;  since the second half of 1996, C.R.D. published
 (in a partnering relation with the Romanian Foreign Trade Center ) a Documentar
y Summary (opening the Collection “Information and Documentation Synthesis in th
e distribution field”) “Distribution in Europe”, as a Supplement of the Journal 
“Romanian Trade Monitor”;  a proof of the quality of the scientific preoccupatio
ns of C.R.D. was also the fact that the European Rapporteur for “Green Book of E
uropean Trade” sent – on the occasion of the works of the 1997 CRD General Assem
bly – the project in question ( of the „Green Book”, whose translation was later
 published by INCE, Romanian Academy, thanks to the collaboration with C.R.D.), 
at the same time giving thanks for the contribution that C.R.D. brings to the pr
ofessional growth of trade; in 1999 a series of results of the researches conduc
ted by C.R.D. were displayed, namely in a work of reference published by the Rom
anian Academy, INCE, in “Observer. Romanian Economic Research”, Study notebook n
o.9/1999, with the title “The consumer – manufacturing enterprise partnership”, 
the opportunity of optimizing the correlation: promoting the consumer (in the co
ntext of the reform of national trade, including developing logistic distributio
n structures adapted to local needs) – preserving competitive markets (in the co
ntext of the globalization of economy) was pointed out, as in the following year
 other conclusions were brought forward, in works such as, for example, « Market
ing. Evolutions, experiences, conceptual developments», Expert Publishing House,
 2000; as C.R.D.’s status clearly points out the importance of seeking to promot
e sustainable development, in 2000, CRD organized, together with the “Internatio
nal Foundation Health – Environment – Sustainable development ” and in partnersh
ip with “ION RATIU” Romanian Parliamentarians Club , the Symposium ”The Economy 
of Ideas and Sustainable development”, first reported by the “Tribuna Economica”
 Journal, no. 18/3 May 2000 - the discussions that took place at the Parliament 
House, on the occasion of the works of the Symposium on May 16, 2000, were based
 on the study  “Sustainable development : principles and action”, Beniamin Cotig
aru, Theodor Purcarea, coordinators, Millenium Publishing House, May 2000, inter
disciplinary research representing a turning point in developing a national stra
tegy for sustainable development; it was also discussed, in the context, the opp
ortunity to exploit the model of Product Development Research/CDP in meeting sus
tainable development, CDP representing product trajectory as a specific methodol
ogical instrument; starting with 2000, C.R.D. emphasized the impressive European
 solution to the first key stage of category management (deciding upon the defin
itions of categories and measurement criteria), as well as the importance of the
 existence of a complete dynamic picture of the integrated supply chain manageme
nt of all producers and distributors in a country; C.R.D. analyzed and debated, 
since its formation, the framework which generated the export of the best manage
rial practices in the field, including the effects of involving certain global d
ominators in the food distribution in Romania (otherwise, for example, represent
atives of Carrefour, Metro and Cora accepted CRD’s invitation, participating on 
March 13, 2001, at the Parliament Palace, at the International Symposium « The d
istribution of fresh products », a real professional turning point, with corresp
onding effectsl the symposium appeared as a turning moment and later, in the wee
kly “European Business” Journal, no.21/ 3-9 November 2004, which pointed out, in
 the context, the outline of the ECR Romania Association’ structuring); on the o
ccasion of the Jubilee Session with the topic „ Engineers’ managerial training. 
Traditions and perspectives”, held at Politehnica University in Bucharest, 9.06.
2001, C.R.D. made its views known regarding knowledge imperatives at the level o
f the relation engineer – manager;  C.R.D. actions were enrolled in a common end
eavor for the normalization of the competitive environment, to prevent inefficie
ncy and to increase the overall level of performance, for partnerships and loyal
 competition in the distribution process, to increase welfare by offering the po
ssibility of options - it is worth remembering, in this context, the aspects men
tioned in the 1997 Report (p. 561), 1998 Report (pp. 66-67), 1999 Report (p. 53)
 and 2001 Report( p. 64 ), of the Competition Council, concerning the collaborat
ion with the Romanian Distribution Committee; in 2004 C.R.D. signaled, for examp
le, a series of priorities within the approach of the distribution –related issu
es: why, how, when and at what price will the identification via radio frequency
 be imposed, in the context of the significant advantages that it will bring esp
ecially at the level of supply chain management (SCM); contribution of a uniform
 standard, bar code and electronic message to the optimization of logistic perfo
rmances; the way in which it can optimize the compatibility between logistics co
nstraints and the quality imperatives of service and products offered; the three
 pillars of packaging: product, logistics, the environment; legal quality and pr
actical priority issues, during the elaboration of a global strategy for transpo
rt, handling and warehousing; productivity improvement and reduction of costs in
 the partnership producer – distributor – logistics provider; new geomarketing a
pplications and so on; C.R.D. sent another essential message in what concerns pr
omoting the partnership in spreading knowledge (“Clear trends in managing inform
ation in Romanian enterprises. The evolution, strategies and magazines of the fu
ture”) on the occasion of the Symposium QBIT – IBM – Geac with the topic “Inform
atics solutions compatible with European audit, a necessary step in the view of 
receiving the status of functional market economy” and whose works were carried 
out at Crowne Plaza Bucharest, 27.05.2004; in 1996 C.R.D. organized the first Na
tional ECR Symposium, in partnership with Valahia University in Targoviste, and 
in 1999,on the occasion of the third National ECR Symposium organized by C.R.D. 
a Point of view was elaborated (“Modern distribution and information technology 
as a strategic resource”) and sent to the Parliament, the Government and the aca
demic environment, also taken into consideration by the media. This happened in 
the context in which in the previous period of time, in the world, working group
s were constituted for the development of a global standard in the distribution 
field, the executive management being ensured by the representatives of the ECR 
and VICS leadership (“Voluntary Industry Commerce Standards”), as well as of som
e prestigious transnational distributors and producers; in 2006, the Romanian Di
stribution Committee, in collaboration with Bucharest Academy of Economic Studie
s and UGIR 1903 organized the Symposium (launching a partnership project) with t
he topic “Institutional-spiritual reconstruction of enterprises, requirement for
 sustainable development in the knowledge society”, a nationwide premiere; also,
 the volume that contains this project, which appeared in April 2006 at ASE Publ
ishing House and in which, at page 488, reference is made to „RESPAD Trophy” off
ered by CRD, among other things emphasizing the correlation between real success
 and the vision of the training team; in „Additional information regarding the e
vent”, distributed on the occasion of the works of the symposium, the hope was e
xpressed as to what concerns the significance „of a new partnership of public-pr
ivate interests post-accession in the European Union where the education and res
earch, employers and administration, business governance will find solutions con
cerning common problems of our lives regarding enterprises competitiveness, poll
ution of the environment and poverty, the control of risks that the evolution in
 the new complexity of the world of uncertainties generates…”; it is relevant to
 remember that the many televised debates, starting with March 2008, on the topi
c of the so-called „war of supermarkets”, would have been much more grounded if 
it had been taken into account that anyone could have read in electronic format 
just a year before in „Competition’s Review”, March 2007 (File. Distribution mar
ket), the article “The fastest impact of Romania joining the European Union. The
 reality and the particularity of distribution” (Theodor Purcarea, pp. pag. 38-4
3); on April 9, 2009, as a result of the partnership , under the patronage of th
e Academy of Medical Sciences and Bucharest City Hall, between the University of
 Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” – Bucharest, Romanian Distribution Committ
ee and A.I.D.A. Brussels, the Conference SANABUNA 2009 was held at the Universit
y of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” , which approached the imperative of r
eflection and responsible action on the issue “Health, Nutrition, and Wellbeing”
, seeking to identify that new necessary direction of attitudes that would allow
 the establishment of a partnership between the public and the private sector me
ant to offer proper solutions for influencing the change in behavior in order to
 improve the economic – social health and responsibility (the event’s interdisci
plinary character allowed covering certain new aspects, starting from the harmon
ization of the preoccupations related to building a truly better life, in the co
ntext of the pressure of the awareness concerning the connections between health
, food and the different aspects of businesses and the imperative of identifying
 the right answers in the confrontation with the welfare reform, reconfiguring c
onsistent ways with fundamental values, education being in the center of the ada
ptation, and solidarity could not be neglected.); in May 2009 C.R.D. suggested o
rganizing a series of debates aiming at the reconciliation of the market with th
e public policy aspirations; followed by the First International Congress ,,Heal
th-Nutrition-Wellbeing” took place at Aro Palace Hotel, Brasov, 15-17 October, 2
011 (http://www.crd-aida.ro/activitiespartnership/sanabuna-2011/ ), and the Seco
nd International Congress “Health, Nutrition, Fitness and Wellbeing for Central 
& Southeast Europe”, SANABUNA 2012 (http://www.sanabuna.ro/the-second-internatio
URL: http://www.crd-aida.ro/RePEc/rdc/

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