[RePEc-announce] RePEc in January 2013

'Christian Zimmermann' zimmermann at stlouisfed.org
Mon Feb 4 08:56:12 CST 2013

We have inaugurated this month MyIDEAS, the personal space on IDEAS that 
allows a user to follow other authors, series, journals and JEL codes. One 
can as well build a bibliography and organize it in folders. Find the 
login at the top of most IDEAS pages or directly at 

We have also welcomed the following institutions with new RePEc archives: 
Otaru University of Commerce, Romanian Distribution Committee, City 
University (II), UNDP (II), University of Cambridge (III), Universidad de 
Oviedo (II), University of Cambridge (II), Swedish University of 
Agricultural Sciences, Ukrainian Journal Ekonomist. Also with the over 
1500 participating archives, this pushed us to over 1.2 million research 
items available on-line. Also, a record 610 people signed up on the RePEc 
Author Service. We counted 2,235,346 abstract views and 554,912 downloads 
from the reporting RePEc services over last month.

In terms of thresholds we surpassed, we can report the following:

1200000 items available on-line
800000 listed journal articles
750000 listed on-line journal articles

Christian Zimmermann                          FIGUGEGL!
Economic Research
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
P.O. Box 442
St. Louis MO 63166-0442 USA

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