[RePEc-announce] New archives, Jan 2013
Christopher Baum
kit.baum at bc.edu
Fri Feb 1 08:25:53 CST 2013
RePEc added 10 new archives in January:
OTA Otaru University of Commerce, Japan
RDC Romanian Distribution Committee (RDC)
DIP Department of International Politics, City University London
RAC United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Regional Bureau for Africa
CCC Cambridge Centre for Climate Change Mitigation Research, University of Cambridge
OVE Department of Economics, University of Oviedo
CMH History Faculty, University of Cambridge
SUA Epsilon Open Archive, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
IRP IRPET- Istituto Regionale per la Programmazione Economica della Toscana
UJE Ukrainian Journal Ekonomist
bringing the number of assigned archive codes to 1,514. In addition, 115 archive codes were requested during the last 9 months but
not yet implemented, and 325 codes were requested prior to that and are in inactive status.
Taylor & Francis have added 30+ journal titles to their archive, for which they are providing the metadata; we are continuing to host
the archive due to their corporate security policy. These titles include JASA, JBES, and The American Statistician, which they now publish.
The IMF is close to repatriating their archive (with the help of an outside contractor) and taking over full responsibility for its updates.
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