[RePEc-announce] New archives, September 2012

Christopher Baum kit.baum at bc.edu
Mon Oct 1 09:02:38 CDT 2012

RePEc added  7 new archives during September:

SPH	Central Research Institute, Spiru Haret University, Romania
FGB	Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, Roma	
GHE	History Department (research group Economy Ecology Demography), Ghent University	
SEP	University of Salerno, Italy	
VEP	RISS (Rivista internazionale di Scienze Sociali), Vita e Pensiero, Milano	
BUH	University of Bucharest, LIS Department
TSY		The Treasury, Australia

bringing the number of assigned archive codes to 1,476. In addition, there are 118 archive codes assigned during the last nine months but not yet implemented, and 295 older codes moved to inactive status, never having been implemented.

The server housing repec.org was moved to new hardware (a virtual server running Linux Red Hat) last week.


Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)

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