[RePEc-announce] RePEc in November 2012

'Christian Zimmermann' zimmermann at stlouisfed.org
Mon Dec 3 19:11:13 CST 2012

The number of the month is 50 million. This is the number of downloads 
that IDEAS has facilitated since inception. And it is the number of 
abstract views on EconPapers since its creation. These numbers were 
compiled by LogEc, which weeds out a considerable numbers of illegitimate 
downloads and abstract views, for example due to duplicates or spiders. 
For reporting RePEc services, LogEc reported last month 654,809 file 
downloads and 2,696,554 abstract views.

We have welcomed the following institutions into RePEc: Institutul 
National de Statistica şi Studii Economice, CEMLA, Società Italiana di 
Economia Demografia e Statistica, Fucape Business School, Fundatia 
Amfiteatru, Voice of Research, Université de Franche-Comté, Institut 
national d’étude démographiques.

All the thresholds that have been reached in the past month are:

50000000 cumulative downloads on IDEAS
50000000 cumulative abstract views on EconPapers
1300000 listed documents
400000 working paper abstracts
400000 items with references
250000 cited articles
6000 listed institutions with a published author
2500 Wikipedia links to research in RePEc

Christian Zimmermann                          FIGUGEGL!
Economic Research
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
P.O. Box 442
St. Louis MO 63166-0442 USA

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