[RePEc-announce] Andrei Saguna University of Constanta, Romania [archive no. 1419]

Christopher Baum kit.baum at bc.edu
Sun Apr 8 09:03:39 CDT 2012

Template-type: ReDIF-Archive 1.0
Handle: RePEc:asa
Name: Andrei Saguna University of Constanta, Romania, Faculty of Communication and Political Sciences
Maintainer-Email: editura at andreisaguna.ro
Description: COMMUNICATION AND MARKETING JOURNAL is published twice a year by the Faculty
 of Communication and Political Sciences. The journal publishes marketing and communicati
on paper works, from the theoretical, scientific and critical perspective, but also short
 opinion articles and presentations of some scientific books and publications.The paper w
orks will be elaborated with a maximum of 30 pages (including bibliography, graphs, chart
s, figures and annexes) and will be published in accordance with the fifth Publication Ma
nual of the Psychological Association. 1. Page 1 will include the summary ( a maximum of 
120 words) and keywords (between 5 and 9) in English. 2. Page 2 will start with the title
. Underneath the title, there will be the author?s name, his affiliation and e-mail addre
ss.3. The paper work will be elaborated in Word, on A4 format, 12 font size, 1,5 line spa
cing, Times New Roman font.The paper works will be sent to the e-mail address editura at and
reisaguna.ro and will be submitted to a peer-view assessment. The result will be reported
 within 30 days from the on-line sending date.University, as well as from their Center fo
r Important Research
URL: http://www.andreisaguna.ro/RePEc/asa/

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