[RePEc-announce] RePEc in March 2012

'Christian Zimmermann' zimmermann at stlouisfed.org
Thu Apr 5 10:48:17 CDT 2012

The big news this month is the launch of a new RePEc service, CollEc, 
which analyzes co-authorship networks within RePEc. Data from CollEc is 
now also integrated in author rankings. Furthermore, IDEAS now links back 
to any Wikipedia article mentioning a RePEc page (details). And the RePEc 
home page was redesigned. Watch this space, more initiatives are on the 

We counted 684,729 file downloads and 2,385,381 abstract views through 
reporting RePEc services. We also welcomed the following new participating 
RePEc archives: Cornell University (II), Central European Labour Studies 
Institute (CELSI), ISTIEE, Universidade de Vigo, Kammer für Arbeiter und 
Angestellte für Wien, and Okan Üniversitesi.

Finally, we passed the following thresholds:
150000000 cumulative working paper abstract views
300000 JEL coded items
40000 registered people

Christian Zimmermann                          FIGUGEGL!
Economic Research
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
P.O. Box 442
St. Louis MO 63166-0442 USA

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