[RePEc-announce] new archives, March 2012

Christopher Baum kit.baum at bc.edu
Mon Apr 2 07:41:32 CDT 2012

RePEc added five new archives during March:

CEL	Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI), Slovakia	
SOT	Institute for the Study of Transport within the European Economic Integration, Trieste	
VIG	Universidade de Vigo, Departamento de Economia Aplicada	
DYS	Cornell Center for Behavioral Economics in Child Nutrition Programs, Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management	
CLR	Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte, Vienna

bringing the total number of archives to 1,415. In addition, there are 115 archive codes assigned within the last nine months awaiting activation,
and 249 archive codes in inactive status, with requests more than nine months old.

Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)

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