[RePEc-announce] New archives: Netherlands, Japan, Spain, South Korea [archive nos. 1368-1371]

Christopher Baum kit.baum at bc.edu
Tue Oct 25 08:43:33 CDT 2011

Template-type: ReDIF-Archive 1.0
Handle: RePEc:asc
Name: African Studies Centre (ASC), Leiden, The Netherlands
Maintainer-Email: oberst at ascleiden.nl
Description: This archive collects economic publications from the African Studies Centre (ASC), Leiden, The Netherlands
URL: http://www.asclibrary.nl/RePEc/asc/

Template-type: ReDIF-Archive 1.0
Handle: RePEc:hyo
Name: Japan Social Innovation Journal
Maintainer-Name: University of Hyogo Institute for Policy Analysis and Social Innovation
Maintainer-Email: econ-cio at econ.u-hyogo.ac.jp
URL: http://www.ips.u-hyogo.ac.jp/RePEc/hyo/
Homepage: http://www.ips.u-hyogo.ac.jp/

Template-type: ReDIF-Archive 1.0
Handle: RePEc:jau
Name: Economics Department, Universitat Jaume I, Castell?n (Spain)
Maintainer-Email: mgarcia at eco.uji.es
Description: This archive collects working papers from the Department of Economics of Jaume I University.
URL: http://www.doctreballeco.uji.es/RePEc/jau/

Template-type: ReDIF-Archive 1.0
Handle: RePEc:jed
Name: Department of Economics, Chung-Ang University
Maintainer-Email: jed at wm.cau.ac.kr
Description: This archive collects working papers for Journal of Economic Development
URL: http://www.jed.or.kr/RePEc/jed/

Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)

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