[RePEc-announce] New archives, October 2010

Christopher Baum kit.baum at bc.edu
Mon Nov 1 07:50:14 CDT 2010

RePEc added 13 new archives in October:

BRV	Faculty of International Relations, University of Economics, Bratislava, Slovakia	
OLD	University of Oldenburg, Department of Economics	
SRS	Association for Sustainable Education, Research and Science	
REN	Review of Economic Analysis	
SAE	SAGE Publications Ltd	
PHS	University of the Philippines School of Economics	
CRV	Croatian International Relations Review, Institute for International Relations, Zagreb, Croatia	
SYD	School of Economics, University of Sydney	
GEA	Research Doctorate in Economics and Finance of European Union, University of Genoa
ERC	Economics Research Centre, University of Cyprus	
ISD	Warsaw School of Economics, Institute of Statiscs and Demography	
GAM	GAMES, Molecular Diversity Preservation International	
JID	Journal of Income Distribution	

bringing the total number of archives to 1,240. In addition, there are 90 archive codes which have been assigned but not yet implemented, and 318 archive codes in inactive status.

We are pleased to announce that the American Economic Association has taken responsibility for maintaining their aea archive.


Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)

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