[RePEc-announce] RePEc in August 2007

Christian Zimmermann christian.zimmermann at uconn.edu
Mon Sep 3 13:47:52 EDT 2007

Hello all,

We have good grounds to celebrate today! First, there are now half a 
million works listed in RePEc. This happened on September 1st, so this is 
not listed in the reached thresholds below. Second, we have now recorded 
over 25 million downloads through RePEc. And third, IDEAS is now 10 years 

August is usually a lull, for example when looking at traffic on our 
websites (472,050 file downloads and 1,674,553 abstract views during the 
month), but we have made great strides in terms of content, see below. A 
new feature has been added as well on IDEAS: it is now possible to create 
reading lists, see http://ideas.repec.org/k/.

And now our regular feature, the thresholds passed:

25000000 cumulative downloads
275000 articles listed
225000 online articles listed
220000 papers listed
160000 papers with abstracts
150000 items with citations
110000 items with references
90000 papers with references
70000 papers with citations
25000 articles with references
80000 articles with citations
2600 series and journals

Christian Zimmermann                                     FIGUGEGL!
Department of Economics
University of Connecticut
341 Mansfield Road, Unit 1063
Storrs, CT 06269-1063
http://ideas.repec.org/zimm/   christian.zimmermann at uconn.edu

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