[RePEc-announce] RePEc in September 2007

Christian Zimmermann christian.zimmermann at uconn.edu
Thu Oct 4 18:57:51 EDT 2007

Hello all,

We are just out of the Summer lull, and RePEc is already firing from all 
cylinders: 19000 works added last month alone, and an average of 10 new 
registered authors a day, surpassing the 14000 mark.

In terms of traffic, we had 536,991 file downloads and 1,804,080 abstract 
views. And for the thresholds passed last month:

500000 listed items
400000 items online
160000 online papers
160000 cited items
120000 items with references
100000 book downloads
75000  cited papers
17000  NEP reports
14000  registered authors
800    RePEc archives

Christian Zimmermann                                     FIGUGEGL!
Department of Economics
University of Connecticut
341 Mansfield Road, Unit 1063
Storrs, CT 06269-1063
http://ideas.repec.org/zimm/   christian.zimmermann at uconn.edu

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