[RePEc-announce] new RePEc archives, May 2006
Kit Baum
baum at bc.edu
Fri Jun 2 12:58:28 EDT 2006
RePEc added 18 new archives in May 2006, bringing the total to 608.
Archive no. 500 became active on 2005-10-11; archive no. 600 on
2006-05-18, just over seven months. The new additions:
HAH Chair of Resource Economics of the Faculty of Agriculture and
Horticulture, Humboldt University of Berlin
FOR Foresight: The International Journal of Applied Forecasting
SBR Schmalenbach Business Review
MIK Chair of Microeconomic Theory, Universität Dortmund
UWA UWA Business School, University of Western Australia
MIS Department of Statistics, Università degli Studi di
VNM Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata, Università "Ca' Foscari" di
CEN Bureau of the Census
TUT Center for Research in Economics and Management (CREM), CNRS
BSU Department of Economics, Ball State University
FLN International Institute of Management, University of Flensburg
AUU Department of Economics, Australian National University
BAG Department of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural
Engineering, University of Bologna
IFR Institute for Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations,
University of Kentucky
KEE University of Keele, UK,
DLS Centro de Estudios Distributivos, Laborales y Sociales (CEDLAS),
Universidad Nacional de La Plata
GIG Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien, Hamburg
Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)
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