[RePEc-announce] New activity, March 2006

Kit Baum baum at bc.edu
Sat Apr 1 15:55:48 EST 2006

A banner month for RePEc!
25 new archives were opened this month, bringing the total to 579. In  
addition, we have received and granted 136 requests for archive  
codes. Our new providers:

MAB	Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts-Boston	

LUE	Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Universität Lüneburg	

CHY	The Centre for Health Economics (CHE), University of York, York UK	

GBL	Laboratoire d'Economie Appliquee de Grenoble (GAEL)	

IBS	Institute for Baltic Studies, Estonia	

HAS	Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences	

ERV	Entelequia. Revista Interdisciplina	

SDK	Department of Environmental and Business Economics, University of  
Southern Denmark	

SPE	International Association of Sports Economists

IAS	Iowa State University, CARD/FAPRI/MATIC	

VEN	Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Università Ca' Foscari di  

ASE	Romanian Academy of Economic Studies, Faculty of Marketing

ECE	United Nations/Economic Commission for Europe/Economic Analysis  
Division (UNECE/EAD), Geneva	

UBI	DEA Working Paper Archive at UIB	

ADL	School of Economics, University of Adelaide

QUT	School of Economics and Finance, Faculty of Business at  
Queensland University of Technology

WES	Department of Economics, Wesleyan University	

VER	Department of Economics, University of Verona

MLB	Department of Economics, University of Melbourne	

THE	Theoretical Economics	

OXF	Department of Economics, University of Oxford	

FSU	USA, Florida State University	

EPF	Economie des Produits Forestiers, Département Forêts du Cirad

CRP	CeRP - Center for Research on Pensions and Welfare Policies,  
University of Torino	

FAO	Agricultural and Development Economics Division (ESA), Food and  
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations	

Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)

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