[RePEc-announce] archive stats

Kit Baum baum at bc.edu
Fri May 7 14:46:29 EDT 2004

Some observations based on the updated list of the 30 largest archives 
(by number of items), as presented at the foot of http://repec.org.

The 30 largest archives account for 75% of the items in RePEc.
The 10 largest of those account for 52% of the collection.
Membership in the top 10 is unchanged from April 2003, with some 
jockeying for position. fth has declined from 33,190 items to 28,112 
items with the transfer of series to local maintenance.

New entrant Kluwer Academic Publishers leads off the second 10 with 
4,800 article templates. EconWPA (now #14) has moved up impressively 
from 2,622 one year ago to 3,942. S-WoPEc (now #19)  has increased item 
count from 1,699 to 2,389.

New entrants in the 20s include 21, Iowa State Economics (1,968 items), 
24, Vienna University of Econ and Bus.Admin. (1,764 items) and 26, 
California Digital Library (1,493 items).

Those leaving the top 30 include CMS/NWU, Canadian Public Policy, and 
CEP/LSE. The threshold for the top 30 is now 1,391 items; for the top 
50, 653 items; for the top 100, 265 items. The top 100 archives account 
for almost 92% of RePEc items.


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