[RePEc-announce] Archive No. 348
Kit Baum
baum at bc.edu
Mon Jan 19 13:16:07 EST 2004
Template-Type: ReDIF-Archive 1.0
Handle: RePEc:abp
Name: ABPHE - Associa??o Brasileira de Pesquisadores em Hist?ria
Econ?mica - Arq
uivo de publica??es
[The file of the Brazilian Economic History Society]
Maintainer-Name: Hugo Cerqueira
Maintainer-Email: hugo at cedeplar.ufmg.br
Description: This archive provides access to the main publications of
the ABPHE:
the proceedings of the Congressos Brasileiros de Hist?ria Econ?mica
[The Brazil
ian Congress of Economic History] and abstracts of the articles
publishec in the
ABPHE's journal [Hist?ria Econ?mica e Hist?ria de Empresas].
URL: http://www.abphe.org.br/RePEc/abp
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