[RePEc-announce] RePEc in November 2004

Christian Zimmermann christian.zimmermann at uconn.edu
Sat Dec 4 09:41:12 EST 2004

Hello RePEc friends!

Several big news this month:

WoPEc and its sister project BibEc are going to close by this year's end.
WoPEc was the first Internet based bibliographic service in Economics,
online in 1993, and the precursor of RePEc. Over its life span (which
stretched email, gopher and the web), WoPEc created the critical mass that
got RePEc started, through the tireless work of Thomas Krichel and Jose
Barrueco. The closure is a consequence of several circumstances: the loss
of the hosting server, the fact that the maintainers are now devoting more
time to other projects (Thomas on implementing the RePEc concept in other
sciences, Jose on citation analysis), and the fact that other websites
like EconPapers and IDEAS have now more functionalities and became more
popular. Thanks a lot to Thomas and Jose for their pioneering work, as
well as for their ongoing efforts!

- The RePEc Author Service added a new feature: authors are now alerted 
when new items they may have written are added to RePEc. Tis was very 
successfull, as the number of claimed items jumped by close to 10% in less 
than a month.

- 11 new archives opened this month, a new record.

- In terms of statistics, we have a new monthly download record: 386,387. 
RePEc also recorded 1,551,410 abstract views.

Several thresholds have been reached as well:

100000 working papers disseminated through NEP (including announcements in different fields)
100000 items listed in authors' profiles
1700 series and journals listed
1300 working paper series listed
1250 software items listed

Christian Zimmermann                                     FIGUGEGL!
Department of Economics
University of Connecticut
341 Mansfield Road, Unit 1063
Storrs, CT 06269-1063
http://ideas.repec.org/zimm/   christian.zimmermann at uconn.edu

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