[RePEc-announce] RePEc in August 2003

Christian Zimmermann christian.zimmermann at uconn.edu
Thu Sep 4 10:09:42 EDT 2003

A relatively calm month. RePEc grew less than usual but still attracted 
good traffic. 223,736 file downloads and 1,261,577 abstract views during 
the month. The total number of downloads since we started counting has now 
surpassed 5 millions.

IDEAS now crosslists NEP reports and the announce papers. Other RePEc 
services may do the same in the future.

Christian Zimmermann                                     FIGUGEGL!
Department of Economics
University of Connecticut
341 Mansfield Road, Unit 1063
Storrs, CT 06269-1063
http://ideas.repec.org/zimm/   christian.zimmermann at uconn.edu

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