[RePEc-announce] RePEc in April 2003

Christian Zimmermann Christian Zimmermann <christian.zimmermann@uconn.edu>
Mon, 5 May 2003 09:27:19 -0400 (EDT)

Again a very active month:

3 new archives, including with Blackwell Publishers a major one. 227,361 
file downloads (2nd highest ever) and 1,265,930 abstract views (new 

RePEc contents increased steadily, witness the following thresholds 
passed over the last month:
1300 series
70000 articles
75000 articles
190000 items
200 chapters
95000 online items
40000 online articles
45000 JEL coded items
90000 items with abstracts

Christian Zimmermann                                     FIGUGEGL!
Department of Economics
University of Connecticut
341 Mansfield Road, Unit 1063
Storrs, CT 06269-1063
http://ideas.repec.org/zimm/   christian.zimmermann@uconn.edu