[rclis] progress report

Thomas Krichel krichel@openlib.org
Sat, 25 May 2002 16:12:46 -0500


  I have now taken (hopefully) all the subscribers of the ReLIS list
  and moved everyone to the new list. I hope that the server will
  not go down, I have installed a backup procedure for the files
  and I hope to have a complete backup server running some time. 

  There is some effort going on here to convert Juilio's data
  set to AMF. Jeremiah Trinidad, a student of mine, is working
  on this. When he has finished, another student, John Caniano,
  will be working on reading that data into a database, and 
  write a PHP interface, so that we have a user service running.
  Both are subscribed to the list...

  I then hope that I can work on incrementing the dataset in
  my course "Building a digital Library" that I will run in
  the autumn term. 

  Given that there is so much Spanish text in Julio's
  data, is anyone aware of a language detection software?
  It would not need to be something complicated, just
  make a guess if the string is Spanish, English or
  something else.


  Thomas Krichel                                   mailto:krichel@openlib.org
  new private phone: 1-718-407-1117       RePEc:per:1965-06-05:thomas_krichel