[Mpra-english] Problem with Submission

Anutechia asongu Simplice asongusimplice at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 21 14:11:42 UTC 2013

Dear Elisabet, 
Good morning/day/evening. I am forwarding your query to the board for a more experienced editor to handle it. We shall get back to you at the first opportunity.

 From: ELISABET VILADECANS MARSAL <eviladecans at ub.edu>
To: Simplice Anutechia Asongu <asongusimplice at yahoo.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 4:02 PM
Subject: RE: Problem with Submission

Dear Sirs,

I do not really understand what happens with this article that it is so difficult to add it in my research profile.

It is an article published in 1999 in a well known journal (Urban Studies):


This journal gives access to all the articles apublished until 1964. So, my article is also accessible. 

Please, would it be possible to add this article as all the rest of articles I have published?

Many thanks in advance,


De: Munich Personal RePEc Archive [mpra at ub.uni-muenchen.de]
Enviat el: dimecres, 21 / agost / 2013 13:30
Tema: Problem with Submission

Item Return
Unfortunately your item " The district effect and the competitiveness of manufacturing companies in local productive systems " could not be accepted into Munich Personal RePEc Archive as-is.
Only marked items apply!
[+] The bibliography in the submission form is not conforming to MPRA standards. Please give the complete references in an acceptable format, make sure that the text is readable, insert an empty line between bibliography entries and don't use line breaks inside of an single entry. 
The item has been returned to your workspace. You may wish to edit your item , fix the problem, and redeposit. 
Munich Personal RePEc Archive 
mpra at ub.uni-muenchen.de 

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